Software Architecture of AI-enabled Systems
Christian Kaestner
Learning Goals
Understand important quality considerations when using ML components
Follow a design process to explicitly reason about alternative designs and their quality tradeoffs
Create architectural models to reason about relevant characteristics
Gather data to make informed decisions about what ML technique to use and where and how to deploy it
Identify to what degree isolating an AI component is possible and benefitial
Critique the decision of where an AI model lives (e.g., cloud vs edge vs hybrid), considering the relevant tradeoffs
Deliberate how and when to update models and how to collect telemetry
Software Architecture
Miracle / genius developers
Software Architecture
Focused on reasoning about tradeoffs and desired qualities
Software Architecture
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements , the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.
-- Kazman et al. 2012
Represents earliest design decisions.
Aids in communication with stakeholders
Shows them “how” at a level they can understand, raising questions about whether it meets their needs
Defines constraints on implementation
Design decisions form “load-bearing walls” of application
Dictates organizational structure
Teams work on different components
Inhibits or enables quality attributes
Similar to design patterns
Supports predicting cost, quality, and schedule
Typically by predicting information for each component
Aids in software evolution
Reason about cost, design, and effect of changes
Aids in prototyping
Can implement architectural skeleton early
Running one of the world’s largest Ruby on Rails installations
200 engineers
Monolithic: managing raw database, memcache, rendering the site, and * presenting the public APIs in one codebase
Increasingly difficult to understand system; organizationally challenging to manage and parallelize engineering teams
Reached the limit of throughput on our storage systems (MySQL); read and write hot spots throughout our databases
Throwing machines at the problem; low throughput per machine (CPU + RAM limit, network not saturated)
Optimization corner: trading off code readability vs performance
Improve median latency; lower outliers
Reduce number of machines 10x
"We wanted cleaner boundaries with “related” logic being in one place":
encapsulation and modularity at the systems level (rather than at the class, module, or package level)
Quicker release of new features: "run small and empowered engineering teams that could make local decisions and ship user-facing changes, independent of other teams"
Ruby on Rails -> JVM/Scala
Monolith -> Microservices
RPC framework with monitoring, connection pooling, failover strategies, loadbalancing, ... built in
New storage solution, temporal clustering, "roughly sortable ids"
Data driven decision making
Architectural decisions affect entire systems, not only individual modules
Abstract, different abstractions for different scenarios
Reason about quality attributes early
Make architectural decisions explicit
Question: Did the original architect make poor decisions?
Architectural Modeling and Reasoning
Fire zones of Pittsburgh. Various use cases, e.g., for city planners.
Analysis-Specific Abstractions
All maps were abstractions of the same real-world construct
All maps were created with different goals in mind
Different relevant abstractions
Different reasoning opportunities
Architectural models are specific system abstractions, for reasoning about specific qualities
No uniform notation
What can we reason about?
What can we reason about?
Ghemawat, Sanjay, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung. "The Google file system. " ACM SIGOPS operating systems review. Vol. 37. No. 5. ACM, 2003.
Scalability through redundancy and replication; reliability wrt to single points of failure; performance on edges; cost
Modeling Recommendations
Use notation suitable for analysis
Document meaning of boxes and edges in legend
Graphical or textual both okay; whiteboard sketches often sufficient
Formal notations available
Case Study: Augmented Reality Translation
Case Study: Augmented Reality Translation
Case Study: Augmented Reality Translation
Consider you want to implement an instant translation service similar toGoogle translate, but run it on embedded hardware in glasses as an augmented reality service.
Qualities of Interest?
Architectural Decision: Selecting AI Techniques
What AI techniques to use and why? Tradeoffs?
Relate back to previous lecture about AI technique tradeoffs, including for example
Capabilities (e.g. classification, recommendation, clustering…)
Amount of training data needed
Inference latency
Learning latency; incremental learning?
Model size
Explainable? Robust?
Architectural Decision: Where Should the Model Live?
Where Should the Model Live?
What qualities are relevant for the decision?
Exercise: Latency and Bandwidth Analysis of AR Translation
Identify key components of a solution and their interactions
Estimate latency and bandwidth requirements between components
Discuss tradeoffs among different deployment models
Identify at least OCR and Translation service as two AI components in a larger system. Discuss which system components are worth modeling (e.g., rendering, database, support forum). Discuss how to get good estimates for latency and bandwidth.
How much data is needed as input for the model?
How much output data is produced by the model?
How fast/energy consuming is model execution?
What latency is needed for the application?
How big is the model? How often does it need to be updated?
Cost of operating the model? (distribution + execution)
Opportunities for telemetry?
What happens if users are offline?
When would one use the following designs?
Static intelligence in the product
Client-side intelligence
Server-centric intelligence
Back-end cached intelligence
Hybrid models
From the reading:
Static intelligence in the product
difficult to update
good execution latency
cheap operation
offline operation
no telemetry to evaluate and improve
Client-side intelligence
updates costly/slow, out of sync problems
complexity in clients
offline operation, low execution latency
Server-centric intelligence
latency in model execution (remote calls)
easy to update and experiment
operation cost
no offline operation
Back-end cached intelligence
precomputed common results
fast execution, partial offline
saves bandwidth, complicated updates
Hybrid models
More Considerations
Coupling of ML pipeline parts
Coupling with other parts of the system
Ability for different developers and analysts to collaborate
Support online experiments
Ability to monitor
Architectural Decision: Telemetry Requirements
Telemetry Design
How to evaluate mistakes in production?
Discuss strategies to determine accuracy in production. What kind of telemetry needs to be collected?
The Right and Right Amount of Telemetry
Monitor operation
Monitor mistakes (e.g., accuracy)
Improve models over time (e.g., detect new features)
too much data
no/not enough data
hard to measure, poor proxy measures
rare events
Telemetry Tradeoffs
What data to collect? How much? When?
Estimate data volume and possible bottlenecks in system.
Architectural Decision: Independent Model Service
Microservice architecture:
Model Inference and Model Learning as a RESTful Service?
Coupling and Changeability
What's the interface between the AI component and the rest of the system?
Learning data and process
Inference API
Where does feature extraction happen?
Provide raw data (images, user profile, all past purchases) to service, grant access to shared database, or provide feature vector?
Cost of feature extraction? Who bears the cost?
Versioned interface?
Coupling to other models? Direct coupling to data sources (e.g., files, databases)? Expected formats for raw data (e.g., image resolution)?
Coupling to telemetry?
Model Service API
Consider encapsulating the model as a microservice. Sketch a (REST) API.
Future-Proofing an API
Anticipating and encapsulating change
What parts around the model service are likely to change?
Rigid vs flexible data formats?
Versioning of APIs
Version numbers vs immutable services?
Expecting to run multiple versions in parallel? Implications for learning and evolution?
Redundancy for availability?
Load balancer for scalability?
Can mistakes be isolated?
Local error handling?
Telemetry to isolate errors to component?
Logging and log analysis for what qualities?
Architectural Decision: Updating Models
Models are rarely static outside the lab
Data drift, feedback loops, new features, new requirements
When and how to update models?
How to version? How to avoid mistakes?
Risk of Stale Models
What could happen if models become stale?
Risk: Discuss drift, adversarial interactions, feedback loops
Update Requirements or Goals
Estimate the required update frequency and the related cost regarding training, data transfer, etc.
Discuss how frequently the involved models need to be updated. Are static models acceptable? Identify what information to collect and estimate
the relevant values.
Outlook: Big Data Designs
Stream + Batch Processing
AI as a Service
Third-Party AI Components in the Cloud
AI Components as Microservices
Readymade AI Components in the Cloud
Data Infrastructure
Large scale data storage, databases, stream (MongoDB, Bigtable, Kafka)
Data Processing
Massively parallel stream and batch processing (Sparks, Hadoop, ...)
Elastic containers, virtual machines (docker, AWS lambda, ...)
AI Tools
Notebooks, IDEs, Visualization
Learning Libraries, Frameworks (tensorflow, torch, keras, ...)
Image, face, and speech recognition, translation
Chatbots, spell checking, text analytics
Recommendations, knowledge bases
Build vs Buy
Hardware, software, models?
Qualities of interest? Important design tradeoffs? Decisions?
Software architecture is an established discipline to reason about design alternatives
Understand relevant quality goals
Problem-specific modeling and analysis: Gather estimates, consider design alternatives, make tradeoffs explicit
Examples of important design decision:
modeling technique to use
where to deploy the model
how and how much telemetry to collect
whether and how to modularize the model service
when and how to update models
build vs buy, cloud resources
Case Study 2: Uber Surge Prediction
Qualities of Interest?
Where Should the Model Live?
What qualities are relevant for the decision?
Telemetry Design
How to evaluate mistakes in production?
Resume presentation
Software Architecture of AI-enabled Systems
Christian Kaestner
Required reading:
Rick Kazman, Paul Clements, and Len Bass. Software architecture in practice. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012, Chapter 1
Hulten, Geoff. "Building Intelligent Systems: A Guide to Machine Learning Engineering." Apress, 2018, Chapter 13.