(closing remarks)
Christian Kaestner
see also Andrej Karpathy. Software 2.0. Blog, 2017
Ryohei Fujimaki. AutoML 2.0: Is The Data Scientist Obsolete? Forbes, 2020
However, AutoML does not spell the end of data scientists, as it doesn’t “AutoSelect” a business problem to solve, it doesn’t AutoSelect indicative data, it doesn’t AutoAlign stakeholders, it doesn’t provide AutoEthics in the face of potential bias, it doesn’t provide AutoIntegration with the rest of your product, and it doesn’t provide AutoMarketing after the fact. -- Frederik Bussler
Frederik Bussler. Will AutoML Be the End of Data Scientists?, Blog 2020
(better tools don't replace the knowledge to use them)
This is an education problem, more than a research problem.
Interdisciplinary teams, mutual awareness and understanding
Software engineers and data scientists will each play an essential role
Joint responsibilities, joint processes, joint tools, joint vocabulary